The Project
March 8th marks International Women’s Day, a day when many brands express how they are celebrating the power of women in their companies. However, the sad truth is that the day’s significance fades away, and life returns to normal the following day.
How can we change the narrative and showcase positivity?
The Scoop
The Crossing places women at the centre of their work. One way they demonstrate our commitment to women is by supporting our region’s successful netball team, The Trident Homes Tactix, throughout the year. They believe that supporting women should be a year-round commitment.
On social media, TwoScoops created a campaign that highlights the countdown to Women’s Day 2024, emphasizing that there is a full year of commitment behind The Crossing’s support of the Tactix and celebrating womens should never be for just one day.
“They genuinely care about our business and come up with innovative ways to tell positive stories throughout our marketing execution.” - Kelly Morison, The Crossing